Refund and Returns Policy
What are the terms and conditions for refund?
- You can ask for a refund or free replacement against any of your order within 7 days of its date of delivery, provided that the products are found to be defective or damaged.
- Already replaced/exchanged items are not eligible for a return or refund.
- All refunds will be credited or issued as store coupon codes which you can use for your future orders.
- For any other questions or queries regarding this, kindly write to us at
How long the refund procedure takes?
- The refund procedure will be initiated within 24-48 hours once we receive your product. Once initiated, the store coupon code will be provided within 24 hours which can be used to place new orders.
I haven’t received my refund yet. What should I do?
- We update our customers through emails once we initiated the refund procedure.
- If our last email states that we have initiated the refund procedure, kindly wait for the process to complete.
- For queries, you can write to us at
*Return, refund & replacement requests must be sent within 7 days from the delivery date. All requests after this 7 day period will not be encouraged.
**We reserve the right to refuse any returns if we determine that the merchandise does not qualify for a return.
Still have questions, concerns, or need to get in touch?